

Yanmar Logo

January 2023 (8th Edition)


具有環保意識的公司將 21 世紀稱為“環境世紀”,因為如果不與自然世界和諧相處,文明就無法發展。強烈敦促企業將其業務活動指向將導致形成“以循環為導向的社會經濟體系”的方向。


  • “We implement Group-wide environment management”,
  • “We establish voluntary environmental regulations in order to achieve superior levels of environmental conservation”,
  • “我們在整個YANMAR集團提倡環境保護”,
  • “We actively share information about environmental conservation both internally and externally” and
  • We promote effective measures for environmental management systematically and on a continuous basis”.

We also have established a code for suppliers, under the basic procurement policy.

In accordance with these policies, our products are made with parts and materials provided by many suppliers. In view of that, our efforts alone do not suffice towards reducing environmental load, such as the impact of environmentally hazardous substances on people and the environment, and the impact of greenhouse gases (GHG) across all stages of production. It is absolutely essential that our suppliers from whom we purchase items, parts and materials also cooperate in our environmental efforts.

Based on this belief and foundation, this Guideline summaries our green procurement standards for our suppliers and our request for the suppliers’ cooperation to further enhance our environmental performance.
This is the eighth edition of our “Green Procurement Guidelines”.
We ask for your continued cooperation in connection with this important subject.

Procurement Division,
PLM Process Innovation Division
Innovation & Technology Division


  1. 綠色採購指引
  2. Record of Revisions


These guidelines outline the principles by which Yanmar Group promotes global environmental protection relating to general procurement activities under the spirit of our Yanmar global environmental charter and our basic procurement policy.

Yanmar Global Environmental Charter

(1) Environmental Philosophy


(2) Action Guidelines (Excerpt)

① 我們將環境保護作為YANMAR集團最重要的經營目標之一,以集團範圍內的環境管理為目的。
② 我們嚴格遵守各國法律和我們開展生產活動的所有地區的法令和規定,並在必要時制定自願性環境標準,以實現更高水平的環境保護。
③ YANMAR集團全球環境委員會制定環境推進指南,並在全集團範圍內傳播,以全面推進集團的環境保護工作。
④ 積極向公司內外宣傳環境保護信息,促進對合作的必要性的理解,推進有效的環境保護活動。
⑤ 我們在以下四個環境領域系統地、持續地推進有效措施:
(Ⅰ) 確立有助於環境保護的技術和減輕環境負荷的產品和服務
(ii) 降低業務運營各階段的環境負荷
(ⅲ) 與外部各方聯手合作,回饋當地社會,傳播環境信息

For more information on YANMAR GREEN CHALLENGE 2050, please visit the following website:

Please check the website below for the basic procurement policy and the code for suppliers.

1.1 Scope of Application


(1) Items


(2) Service


(3) YANMAR集團產品


① YANMAR集團公司設計製造的產品
② 委託第三方設計製造的產品
③ YANMAR集團公司委託第三方設計製造並以YANMAR集團公司名義銷售的產品
④ YANMAR集團公司從第三方採購併以YANMAR集團公司名義銷售的產品
⑤ YANMAR集團公司從第三方採購併以第三方名義銷售的產品

(4) 與YANMAR集團產品相關的項目和服務

① YANMAR集團產品附帶或附帶的項目和服務
② 在YANMAR集團產品的製造、運輸、銷售活動或其他經營活動中消耗的物品和服務

1.2 綠色採購選擇標準


  • Criteria for Selecting Suppliers
  • Criteria for Selecting Items and Services
(1) Criteria for Selecting Suppliers

In addition to selecting suppliers based on quality, price and delivery dates, Yanmar shall include a preference for suppliers that establish an environmental management system and voluntarily introduce environmental protection activities.

  1. Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
    1. The supplier should conduct environmental protection activities under an EMS accredited to ISO 14001 or similar.
    2. The supplier should have a corporate philosophy and policy on environmental protection activities, which must be known by all departments and employees, and disclosed to the general public.
    3. The supplier should have an organization for promoting environmental protection activities and have environmental management plans.
    4. The supplier should establish and continually improve an evaluation and management system for assessing the environmental aspects of its item, and its compliance with pertinent laws and regulations.
    5. 供應商應向其員工和承包商開展環境教育和意識活動。
    6. The supplier should be involved with resource conservation, energy conservation, use of renewable energy and the streamlining of distribution.
    7. The supplier should set goals and strive to improve the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG). (Reports on achievements may be requested by Yanmar.)
  2. Thorough management of environmentally hazardous substances
    1. A system has been established for managing environmentally hazardous substances.
    2. Submission of required information in relation to the inclusion of environmentally hazardous substances in items delivered to Yanmar.
    3. 正確使用YANMAR集團指定的信息系統,以便調查交付給YANMAR物品中是否含有化學物質,並準確提交化學數據。
    4. Requests for appropriate management of environmentally hazardous substances upstream in the supply chain.
    5. Acceptance of audit inspections relating to environmentally hazardous substances.
    6. Prompt contact to Yanmar when the use of prohibited substances is discovered or when the content of the report is changed. Also, prompt contact to Yanmar in advance when manufacturing conditions change.
    7. Identification of chemical substances that affect or may affect human health and ecosystems, and manage and handle them in a safe manner. (Yanmar may request the submission of safety data sheets, etc.)
    8. Efforts to reduce the use and emission of environmentally hazardous substances.
(2) Criteria for Selecting Items and Services

In addition to selecting items and services based on the required quality, functionality, economic feasibility and logistics, Yanmar will buy items and services provided by suppliers which satisfy the below requirements for reducing environmental load on a priority basis:

  1. Items and services must comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning recyclable resources, energy, etc.
  2. 項目和服務不得包含洋YANMAR集團“環境有害物質使用限制(YIS V-0001E)”中的“ YANMAR集團禁用物質”和“單獨行動的禁用物質”。
  3. 查明YANMAR集團《環境危害物質使用限制(YIS V-0001E)》中“單獨調查物質”的內容,並按照法律要求進行標示、告知等.
  4. There shall be low load on the environmental (air pollution, water pollution, etc.) throughout the life cycle of the products.
  5. Unwanted or unused items must be recycled, energy must be renewable, and the products must be as small as possible in order to reduce the consumption of resources, including energy, and to minimize the emission of GHG throughout the life cycle.
  6. Items and services should be designed for recycling.
  7. 以下 1.3 中規定的環境危害物質的含量已被理解並滿足YANMAR集團標準。

1.3 Restrictions of Use for Environmentally Hazardous Substances

The latest version of “Restrictions of Use for Environmentally Hazardous Substances (YIS V-0001E)” shall be complied with. Use of the below substances shall be prohibited or managed so as to understand the quantity of any such included substances.

(1) YANMAR Group prohibited substances

詳情請參考最新的《環境有害物質使用限制(YIS V-0001E)》。

(2) Prohibited substances subject to separate actions

These are substances which are mandatorily prohibited from being used/contained at a percentage content above the threshold value as set forth in the laws/regulations of each country/region.
General procurement activities in Yanmar Group are covered.

(3) Substances subject to separate investigation


“環境有害物質使用限制(YIS V-0001E)”是描述環境有害物質詳細要求的採購規範,最新版本已向YANMAR集團業務合作夥伴公開。
*YIS V-0001E 是 YIS V-0001J 的英文翻譯。

2. Record of Revisions

  • First Edition April 2003
  • Second Edition December 2006
  • Third Edition August 2010
  • Fourth Edition August 2011
  • Fifth Edition September 2012
  • Sixth Edition June 2019
  • Seventh Edition September 2020
  • Eighth Edition January 2023

If you have any inquiries regarding these guidelines, please use the contact form below. When making an inquiry, please specify the relevant department/responsible person.