CSR & the Environment


Yanmar Group Supply Chain Code of Conduct

January 2023
(First Edition)

Table of Contents

Ⅰ. The Purpose of Yanmar Group Supply Chain Code of Conduct
Ⅱ. Scope of Application
Ⅲ. Yanmar Group Supply Chain Code of Conduct

  1. Respect for human rights
    (1) Prohibition of unfair discrimination and harassment
    (2) Prohibition of sexual harassment and power harassment (workplace bullying)
    (3) Responsible procurement of resources and raw materials
  2. Responsibilities to customers
    (1) Research, development, production, and quality assurance activities
    (2) Sales and services
    (3) Advertisements and campaigns
  3. Pursuit of fairness in business operations
    (1) Promotion of sound and fair corporate activities
    (2) Fair and free competition
    (3) Conflict with personal interests
  4. Environmental preservation
  5. Proper international trade
  6. Protection of confidential information
    (1) Management of personal information
    (2) Management of trade secrets
    (3) Confidentiality of personal information about executives and employees
    (4) Precautions for acquiring confidential information about others
    (5) Enhancement of information security
    (6) Creation, handling, storage, and disposal of documents
  7. Assurance of proper, safe working environment
    (1) Safety and health
    (2) Execution of fair evaluations and development of worker-friendly environments
  8. Proper accounting practices
    (1) Appropriate book keeping and account recording, and compliance with accounting laws and ordinances
    (2) Compliance with taxation laws
    (3) Transmission of accurate information
  9. Protection and utilization of corporate assets
    (1) Management and protection of the company’s intellectual properties
    (2) Acquisition of the company’s intellectual property rights
    (3) Prohibition of unauthorized use of the company’s intellectual properties
    (4) Prohibition of unauthorized use of corporate funds and goods
    (5) Respect for intellectual property rights of others
  10. Corporate social activities
  11. Compliance of social norms

Ⅳ. Record of Revisions

Ⅰ. The Purpose of Yanmar Group Supply Chain Code of Conduct


Ⅱ. Scope of Application


Ⅲ. Yanmar Group Supply Chain Code of Conduct

We would like to ask our business partners to strive to introduce and promote the following committed efforts.

1. Respect for human rights


(1) Prohibition of unfair discrimination and harassment


(2) Prohibition of sexual harassment and power harassment (workplace bullying)


(3) Responsible procurement of resources and raw materials


2. Responsibilities to customers


(1) Research, development, production, and quality assurance activities

① 履行質量保證責任,始終站在客戶的角度確保產品安全。
② 獲得產品事故或產品安全相關信息時,應立即核實事實,並根據結果公開適當的信息,防止損害擴大,防止事故再次發生。
③ 確保供應量並遵守到期日。

(2) Sales and services

For sales, marketing, information transmission, and technology services, comply with related laws, ordinances, and ethics to carry out fair business activities. Transmit sufficient accurate information about products and services to customers appropriately in easy-to-understand and timely manners, reply to inquiries from customers sincerely, and reflect the voices of customers on the improvement and development of products and services.

(3) Advertisements and campaigns

① 使用適當的表達方式,防止虛假誇大的表達、社會歧視和侵犯人權。
② 與廣告公司、製作公司、媒體公司保持良好、公平的關係。

3. Pursuit of fairness in business operations


(1) Promotion of sound and fair corporate activities

Carry out sound and fair corporate activities, strive to gain the trust of stakeholders, maintain sound relationships with the politics and administration, and do not have any relationship with anti-social forces and organizations that may threaten the order and security of the society.

(A) 與利益相關者的關係
了解您與利益相關者的關係很重要,通過公共關係 (PR) 和其他活動以易於理解的方式適當和公正地披露準確的信息,以建立和維持公平和真誠的長期信任關係。

(B) 與政治和行政的關係

(C) 與反社會勢力的關係

(2) Fair and free competition

(A) 與其他公司的不公平安排

(B) 自由競爭銷售

(C) 與競爭對手的自由競爭

(D) 對商業夥伴開展的商業活動的不公平限制


① 按照公平、合理的標準(如質量、保證、安全、環境、到期日、價格等),通過交易選擇商業夥伴。
② 努力通過相互理解和相互信任與商業夥伴建立更好的伙伴關係。
③ 不得從任何商業夥伴處接受任何與您的工作相關的個人利益。
④ 遵守對受託方遲延支付分包款等的法律,不要求不正當的分包業務條件。

(3) Conflict with personal interests

(A) 禁止以偏袒和優先企業利潤的方式對待商業夥伴和客戶

(B) 禁止接受來自商業夥伴和客戶的非法或不當款待、金錢或物品

4. Environmental preservation


5. Proper international trade


6. Protection of confidential information


(1) Management of personal information

Collect, use, and manage personal information about customers and business partners according to appropriate methods and do not disclose it to external parties without their permission and without just cause.

(2) Management of trade secrets


(3) Confidentiality of personal information about executives and employees


(4) Precautions for acquiring confidential information about others


(5) Enhancement of information security

Appropriately manage not only corporate computers, personal computers, smart devices, and other internal information processing systems, but also paper documents in offices, chemical substances in factories, and conversations in public spaces, and do not use them for any unintended purpose.

(6) Creation, handling, storage, and disposal of documents

Create, handle, store, and dispose of all documents, including those stored in electronic media, appropriately according to laws, ordinances, internal regulations, and other standards.

7. Assurance of proper, safe working environment


(1) Safety and health


(2) Execution of fair evaluations and development of worker-friendly environments

Evaluate the work performance of employees fairly, promote a good balance between the work, social life, and private life of employees, and develop a worker-friendly environment where employees can use all of their strength to work.

8. Proper accounting practices


(1) Appropriate book keeping and account recording, and compliance with accounting laws and ordinances

Provide accurate information about your company’s transactions in account books and records according to related accounting laws and ordinances as well as accounting principles, accounting practices, and internal regulations that are generally deemed to be fair and appropriate.

(2) Compliance with taxation laws


(3) Transmission of accurate information


9. Protection and utilization of corporate assets


(1) Management and protection of the company’s intellectual properties


(2) Acquisition of the company’s intellectual property rights


(3) Prohibition of unauthorized use of the company’s intellectual properties


(4) Prohibition of unauthorized use of corporate funds and goods


(5) Respect for intellectual property rights of others


10. Corporate social activities


11. Compliance of social norms


Ⅳ. Record of Revisions

  • First Edition January 2023

If you have any inquiries regarding these guidelines, please use the contact form below. When making an inquiry, please specify the relevant department/responsible person.