News Release
YASC Building Extension & Renovation: Safety Blessing Ceremony
March 5, 2020
Yanmar Asia (S) Corporation Pte Ltd
YASC Building Extension & Renovation: Safety Blessing Ceremony

Yanmar Asia (YASC) is expanding! In March 2020, YASC is constructing an extended building, renovating and remodelling its existing premises. The outbreak of the novel COVID-19 has impacted the economy and businesses face challenges everywhere. However, YASC strongly believes that there are opportunities abound despite facing with the complex landscape. It is a good time for YASC to gear up and prepare to face the upcoming challenges.
Initially, YASC planned to host an official groundbreaking and safety blessing ceremony on 21st February 2020 and extended invitation to Yanmar Co Ltd’s Executives. Though YASC was very much honored to have the acceptance of Mr Naoya Umegaki (Executive Officer of Yanmar Co Ltd / GM of Yanmar Amagasaki Plant) and Mr Kengo Shibata (Board Member of Yanmar Co Ltd / GM of Global CS Division) to witness the auspicious event, but the plan was cancelled to prevent any possibility of spreading the COVID-19.
Eventually, only Safety Blessing Ceremony was carried out on a re-schedule date, 25th February 2020. Architects, builders together with all YASC management and employees participated in the ceremony. Participants witnessed the prayer rituals and partook in a prayer walk for safety blessing.
YASC Managing Director, Mr Jackson Tan then gave a closing speech and engaged employees in a discussion session regarding the future of YASC and moving towards the ONE YANMAR goal.
- Note: Information contained in the news release is valid at the time of publication and may differ from the most recently available information.