Ultra low fuel consumption of 4-stroke medium speed diesel engine.

YANMAR has always pursued low fuel consumption as its corporate creed “Fuel reward to Nation” since foundation. This time, we developed the "2-stage turbocharging system" compliant with IMO secondary regulation, further evolving the engine, achieving fuel economy far superior to the conventional engine.

Original 2-stage turbocharging system, achieving ultra low fuel consumption

Evolution of high pressure Miller cycle system

We aquired the air by using the "2 stage turbocharging system" in spite of advanced closing timing of suction valve to compare with "1 stage turbocharging system". As a result, we could achieve the low fuel consumption in wide load.

Evolution of high pressure Miller cycle system

Simple system

It is easy to maintain the system, because it is simple system that two turbochargers and two air coolers are only connected by suction air pipes and exhaust pipe.

Unchanged mountability and Good acceleration

We arranged turbocharger & air-cooler unit on both sides of the engine. By this structure, we could achieve the equivalent mountability as the base engine by keeping the height of engine. This engine has good acceleration at low load by adapting dynamic pressure type exhaust manifold.

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