
Yanmar Announces FY2012 Interim Business Results Forecast (April 1, 2012-March 31, 2013)

November 29, 2012
Yanmar Co., Ltd.

Yanmar announced the FY2012 interim business results forecast at the Osaka Head Office on November 29, 2012, as follows:

1. Yanmar Group FY2012 1st Semester Business Results (April-September 2012):

In the first semester, the Japanese market showed signs of recovery from the March 2011 Earthquake and tsunami, with overall investments starting to rise and consumer demand maintaining satisfactory levels, however, stagnation in world economies and the continuous appreciation of the Japanese yen have hit exports. In Europe, the ongoing financial crisis has caused caution in consumer spending and scarce investments, while growth in emerging markets has been slowed by reduced exports to developing countries and rising interest rates.

In March 2012, Yanmar celebrated a century of operations. With the introduction of a new Group Mission, we look towards the next 100 years of business, while continuing steady implementation of the major themes of "Transforming Towards a System Structure that Ensures Profitability" and "Strengthening Global Competitiveness towards Sustained Growth", aiming to realize 2015 Midterm Business Strategy targets.

Our major activities lay emphasis on the enhancement of the after-sales service business and creation of a more cost-competitive production system via global procurement. To backup these operations, Yanmar is well on its way to expanding production outside Japan, mainly in Thailand, China and Indonesia, while boosting global market research to come up with high quality products that satisfy market needs and ensure customer satisfaction.

These undertakings led to the achievement of the following consolidated results: Net Sales of ¥293.8 billion, ¥23.2 billion more than in FY2011, Ordinary Profit of ¥21.5 billion, ¥6.1 billion more than in FY2011, Net Sales Ratio of 7.3%, Gross Profit of ¥12.9 billion, ¥4.8 billion more than in FY2011, Overseas Net Sales of ¥118.6 billion, ¥500 million less than in FY2011 and an Overseas-derived Sales Weight of 40.4%.

Note: "FY2011" indicates here the first semester of FY2011, April-September 2011.

2. Yanmar Group FY2012 Business Results Forecast:

For FY2012, we expect consolidated Net Sales of ¥562 billion, ¥10.9 billion more than in FY2011, Operating Profit of ¥27.6 billion, ¥5.1 billion more than in FY2011 and Ordinary Profit of ¥27 billion, ¥4.9 billion more than in FY2011.

Note: The above forecast is based on currently available data, and subject to changes in the market demand, exchange rates and other economic variables.

Note: Information contained in News Releases is used in press conferences and may differ from the most recently available information.

3. Inquiries:

Public Relations Group,
General Affairs Dept., Yanmar Co., Ltd.


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