Utilizing cutting edge technologies, Yanmar has created an integrated network made up of individual cogeneration systems. By enabling the exchange of heat and energy among individual units, ever greater efficiencies can be achieved. Surplus energy generated in a community is shared in the same community to cover local shortages, and energy loss is minimized through optimum energy distribution.
Striving to achieve a network system capable of optimizing energy utilization
Generating energy where it’s needed through effective utilization of electricity and heat

The majority of electricity currently used is generated by large power stations. However, exhaust heat that goes unused when generating electricity and energy lost when transmitting electricity decreases overall energy efficiency down to around 40%. In other words, approximately 60% of the energy generated goes to waste.
Yanmar has developed a cogeneration system with the aim of achieving a society capable of efficiently utilizing energy without waste. Our system produces energy through engines powered by fuels that have a low environmental impact such as carbon-neutral biogas and natural gas. The heat produced during power generation is effectively utilized in the hot-water supply and heating and cooling to reduce energy loss. Yanmar has realized utilization of both electricity and heat through industry-leading efficiency.
Working towards the realization of “A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE”

Yanmar is working towards a society in which people can access the energy they needed, when they need it, wherever they are in the world.
To achieve that global future, Yanmar is carrying out research and development into efficient production and optimum distribution of energy.
Yanmar is also striving to achieve a zero-emissions society and provide safer, cleaner energy by leveraging various energy sources, including hydrogen, biomass, and natural energies such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.