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Facility Guide

State-of-the-art Facilities for Leading Edge Research

Research Center

At the research center we are conducting detailed research into the relationship between plant life and their environment using soil analysis and climate-controlled rooms. At our research center we are applying artificial lighting and chemical analysis of hydroponics and soils within highly controlled environments, to cultivate plants for the purpose of conducting research into plant life and their environments. Information gathered at our various centers is collated and used to optimize the advancements of our research. New discoveries made at the research centers are used to accelerate our open innovation initiative. With fast technology development and research that leads to new business opportunities, our institute has come to symbolize collaborative research.

Research Center
Research Center

Verification Center

The focus of our verification center is to maximize the productivity and minimize the costs of cultivation based on detailed data obtained at our research and testing centers. Residues left over during cultivation and post-harvest undergo microbial treatment for re-use as a soil modifier, as a part of our efforts to advance the establishment of a model of sustainable farming for widespread use and application.

Verification Center
Verification Center

Testing Center

At the testing center we are analyzing the environmental elements inside hothouses and utilizing the data to optimize cultivation environments. Here we are able to leverage energy conversion technologies, that we have refined throughout the years in Yanmar engine development.

Testing Center
Testing Center