YANMAR Technical Review

Editor's Postscript

January 27, 2017

It feels like only the other day that we welcomed in the New Year and yet January is already at an end. Time just keep flying by.

Yanmar has been holding its “Ytec” YANMAR Technical Symposium on an annual basis since 2014. In this in-house event selected engineers gather together and through exchanging opinions and know-how in ways that transcend the boundaries between different businesses “knowledge gathering” is designed. An honor for engineers just to be invited, the event’s presentations and workshops are also a valuable opportunity for them to learn about the importance of innovations that have the potential to connect business models. An article in this issue of YANMAR Technical Review covers this event and I hope you will take a look.

Another article describes a Sterling engine, that is one of high-performance energy conversion technologies of zero emissions of CO2 and represents an example of a new technology for fulfilling our brand statement, “A Sustainable Future: Creating new value in society through technology”. While the numerous technical challenges including reliability facing Sterling engines mean that there are few examples anywhere in the world of their commercial use to recover electric power from unused thermal energy, Yanmar intends to continue working on improving efficiency and performance with the aim of supplying customers with zero-emissions electric power that minimizes the load on the environment.

Other articles describe the product technologies used in the new ViO80 hydraulic shovel that features a new hydraulics system to combine environmental and operational performance, and the 6/8EY33 series of marine diesel engines with high output and low fuel consumption that provide enhanced life cycle value.

With coverage of such topics as Yanmar’s history, our advanced technologies, and our effort in globalization, I hope you will continue to enjoy reading this and future issues of the YANMAR Technical Review.

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